Jon Raybould Fresh ideas in flute music
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Jon Raybould
Listen and search all pieces by category or style

Hi there, flutists! Are you looking for one of my pieces in a certain style ? -
for example "Slow and reflective", "Fast and lively", or "Jazzy"?

Maybe you are looking for a piece for an upcoming concert, or for an encore, or just one to play for fun.
On this page you can listen to all pieces, and also filter them by category or style.

How it works
Look at the grid of coloured boxes ("buttons"). Each one is labelled with one of my pieces.
By default you will see ALL pieces in alphabetical order.
• Choose a piece and click on the "play" button to play the piece.
• Use the "audio currently playing" player controls to pause and jump and to alter the volume.
• Click either "PAUSE" (audio player), OR "STOP" on the coloured button, to stop playing the piece.
• Click on the i (information) button for more details.

Fresh ideas in flute music  
To select a category:
First, click "Clear all pieces", then click on a category (or multiple categories) to
select / de-select the categories to show the pieces you are looking for.
Audio currently playing :         None